Issues I work with

I offer Counselling and Psychotherapy to well functioning individuals going through the following issues. However I will refer individuals with risk issues to appropriate professionals.
Effective communication
Managing emotions such as anger, jealousy, irritability
Low self worth and confidence
Stress management
Inner conflicts
Identity issues
Anger management
Adjustment issues with regards to culture, job and family
Difficulties in interpersonal relationship

Attachment issues
Attachment issues or conflicts with partners, parents & children.
Death of a loved one.
Ending / loss of a friendship or relationship.
Post & pre natal depression / anxiety.
Building parent - child connection.
Separation or Divorce.

Psychological issues
Depression – feeling low, sad, hopeless or dissatisfied with life, crying spells
Anger, irritability, mood swings
Anxiety – feeling tensed and worried,
Panic attacks – experiencing chest pain, breathlessness,
OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder involves Repetitive thoughts and actions
Social Anxiety – Fear of talking to others or in public, hesitation to socialise
Phobias – Fear or avoidance of any object or situation
Personality disorders is where individuals have behaviours that interfere with healthy functioning
Abuse in the present or childhood (sexual ,emotional and physical)
Domestic violence
Couples therapy for relationship problems
Marital problems
Pre marital counselling
Cross cultural marriage
Differences experienced by couples
Getting over Breakups
Coping with divorce and the aftermath
Psychosexual problems – Sexual problems due to emotional/ psychological factors

Personal development
Empowering people in their professional and personal lives.
Balanced and Improved quality of life
Workplace issues such as stress, conflicts with colleagues, loss of job, inability to perform well at work.
Starting and completing a project
Resolving negative patterns
Recognising your strengths
Finding your calling
Self discovery
Body image issues
Binge eating disorder
Emotional eating
Goal setting for weight loss

Enhancing Emotional Wellbeing

Trauma recovery
Traumas – current or childhood
Post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD)
Complex trauma
Narcissistic abuse recovery
Emotional abuse
Supporting Highly sensitive people and empaths navigate through life.