Therapy Policies
You are taking a valuable step towards mental health healing. So here is some very important information regarding counselling and psychotherapy policies. These policies define client and the psychologists rights and responsibilities. It also serves as a contract between us if you choose to opt for psychotherapy with me.
I follow the ethical codes and guidelines determined by the British Association for counselling & psychotherapy, as I was trained to be a Counselling Psychologist in the UK.
What is Counselling and Psychotherapy ?
Counselling & Psychotherapy involves verbal and non verbal communication in treating psychological conditions and enhancing emotional well being. There are no other forms of medical treatments involved like medicines, scanning etc.
Psychotherapy is an alliance between a client and psychologist to increase understanding and bring about change. Psychotherapy can have benefits and risks. Since therapy often involves discussing unpleasant aspects of your life, you may experience uncomfortable feelings like sadness, ‘guilt, anger, frustration, loneliness and helplessness. These difficult feelings are normal and will be temporary, depending on the depth of client’s emotional difficulties and distress.
On the other hand, psychotherapy has also been shown to have many benefits. Therapy often leads to better relationships, solutions to specific problems, increased self-esteem, awareness and significant reductions in feelings of distress. Although there are no guarantees of what a client will experience, I will try to ensure that we maintain a safe and respectful environment that can increase the possibilities for you to achieve a sense of balance.
Psychotherapy is not like a visit to a medical doctor. Instead, It calls for a very active effort on the clients part. In order for therapy to be most successful, the client will have to work on things discussed in therapy, both during the sessions and at home. However sometimes shifts take place unconsciously. At times it can be emotionally intense and at other times it can be very fulfilling. Psychotherapy is an interactive process. In therapy techniques, insights and activities will be given. The client has the right to refuse, to accept it or alter it. Therapy works best if there is a good fit between the psychologist and the client(s). Often a few sessions will help the client and psychologist to determine if they can work with each other or not.
I apply an integrative psychotherapeutic model, which means I use a range of therapies. I draw from Humanistic, Cognitive and Psychodynamic modalities. I also incorporate Attachment focused – EMDR. I tailor these various therapeutic methods keeping in mind the individual needs of the clients. I believe therapeutic relationship is key to healing therefore I am person centred in my way of being. And this means I work in a compassionate, genuine and non judgemental manner maintaining the ethical codes of my profession.
Initial sessions
In the initial session the psychologist and the client would discuss the therapy policies.The client can give an outline of their concerns. The psychologist will listen to you in a non judgemental manner and help the client to feel secure enough to open up.
Furthermore in the initial sessions the client and the psychologist can gain clarity in terms of why the client needs therapy. Whether it is to achieve certain goals like anger management, coping with a break up, overcoming anxiety etc, trauma or just humane support.
The therapist will then ask the client a series of questions about the clients childhood, symptoms, attachments, difficulties the client is experiencing and many more. This is to understand the client as a person and to formulate a suitable treatment plan. These questions are purely therapeutic in nature and not in a social context.
We will start with an initial three sessions period. At the end of this we will evaluate the situation and decide whether we should go for long term therapy. Alternatively a referral can be offered.
Therapy sessions
Once the client and the psychologist choose to work together for long term therapy. The client psychologist therapeutic relationship is key to healing. During the therapy sessions, the client will be encouraged to express feelings and emotions openly in an empathetic, professional and confidential environment. The psychologist will share various analysis and suggestions based on scientific research. The client will also be given certain techniques or skills to cope better.
If the client and the psychologist feel the therapy goals have been met then they can end therapy. However just like a visit at the doctors for regular physical check ups it is suggested the client comes in for periodic mental health check ups or booster sessions as well.
Therapy is an interactive process wherein the client and the psychologist work together to resolve clients issues. A psychologist will help the client to see various options. However a psychologist will not make any decisions for the client. The psychologist will ask certain questions in a manner that will help the client to find solutions. The psychologist will share certain insights which will also help the client to make better choices.
Recovery from a psychological condition is a combination of multiple factors. It depends upon whether the condition is mild or severe, medication, individuals personality, healthy environment, family support and regular therapy sessions. Therefore, therapy is one of the mediums to help in the process of recovery.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Confidentiality is one of the significant aspects of a psychologists code of ethics. Interactions between the client and the therapist will be confidential. This includes any communication done in the sessions , emails and texts shared between the sessions as well. However your free as a client to discuss the therapy process in any forum or to any person you feel safe with.
Although the clients will be requested to give a phone number of a family member or friend, It will be used only incase of risk.
The client will be also asked to provide current and permanent address which will all be kept confidential unless there is any risk involved.
Any information about the client will not be shared with a third party. However, in cases of risk the psychologist will have to break confidentiality and take required safety measures such as disclose the session notes, client records and the content of risk.
Exceptions to confidentiality when risks are involved include
When the client discusses suicidal thoughts or attempts to commit suicide. When the client discusses causing harm to self or causing harm to someone or discusses being harmed by someone or shares another individual is being harmed. If there is harm being caused to a child. If there is any legal requirement such as a court order, search warrant and any other form of regulation.
The relationship between a client and psychologist is called a therapeutic relationship. Therapeutic relationship is unique. It is a balance of professional and humanistic way of being.
Although there will be an attachment formed with the psychologist, firm and clear boundaries are to be maintained. Please understand that no social interactions can take place between the client and the psychologist during the sessions, after the sessions and even after ending therapy. There can be no Dual relationship between a client and a psychologist.
Any information asked by the psychologist is only under the therapeutic context. While the psychologist will connect with the client on a humane level, she will not discuss about her personal issues with you.
Many a times it is the healthy therapeutic relationship due to which the healing process begins for many clients. A therapeutic relationship forms a healthy attachment/bond between a client and a psychologist, therefore a client and a psychologist can always maintain the therapeutic connection keeping in mind the ethical boundaries.
Social media
I cannot accept friend or contact requests from current or former clients on any social networking sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc). According to APA and BACP it is believed that adding clients as friends or contacts on these sites can compromise your confidentiality and our respective privacy. It may also blur the boundaries of our therapeutic relationship. If you would like to contact me then please text me before calling or email me. Please do not choose social networking sites to talk about sensitive or therapy related issues with me.
Crisis intervention
If you really feel there is a need to talk to me between the sessions then please text me in advance so that we can arrange a time to talk. Alternatively you can send me a concise mail.
Please understand that if I am on a holiday I won’t be able to talk over the phone or reply to any mail. My training as a Psychologist and Psychotherapist equips me to support a client only during the therapy sessions. I will ensure I have equipped clients at risk with enough coping skills to manage any crisis they might experience outside the sessions. However if the client is still unable to cope with any crisis or risk outside the sessions and reaches out to me, then I would have to contact the person whose name they have given to me Incase of emergency or other sources such as a psychiatrist.
The nature of my work is such that I can help you only during the time we have scheduled our appointment. I am sorry I cannot be available 24hours. So incase of crisis kindly contact your family member or close friend . If there is no one for support then please visit the emergency department at your nearest hospital and do ask for a mental health professional on call. If you are feeling suicidal and cannot manage to get an appointment with a psychiatrist or visit a hospital, then please call a crisis helpline in your country.
I request clients to text or whatsapp me only with regards to appointments and rescheduling. Please understand I cannot offer therapy or chat via whatsapp. Please refrain from discussing any information on WhatsApp.
Client notes
I will be fully present with you during the sessions, however in order to help me keep a track of the therapy process I will be noting down some points occasionally. I will be managing case notes after the sessions, documenting whatever was discussed in the sessions.
Contacting me
You may contact me on the mobile number I have provided. Since I deal with sensitive issues I request clients to text me before they call me so that we both can coordinate a good time for us to talk. Alternatively you can send me a concise mail.
The duration of the sessions will be for one hour. Sessions can be scheduled at a frequency that is mutually agreed upon. The therapist and client can coordinate to have fixed slots once a week or once in two weeks. Once a client starts feeling better we can taper the sessions down to once a month. Sometimes I might not have regular slots that are available in this case I will let you know in advance and offer an initial appointment and then we can discuss if we want to move forward at any point regular slots are available.
In case you want to reschedule or cancel appointments please let me know 24hours in advance. A full fee will be payable in case appointments are cancelled on the day of the appointment. Likewise, I might have to reschedule sometimes, so I’ll let you know a day in advance.
Referral Process
Referrals will be offered in a sensitive manner in the best interest of the client.
A client will be referred to other professionals when
The therapist is not able to offer an appointment for the time or day the client wants.
The client is not able to engage in psychotherapy that I offer.
A client and psychologist after the initial sessions feel they might not be able to work with each other for any reason.
The psychologist or client or both after therapy sessions feel the client is not benefitting from therapy.
The issues the client has is outside the frame of the psychologists speciality.
Endings in therapy
Endings are an essential part of the therapy process.
Sometimes as the client is coping well the therapist and client both will realise it’s time to prepare for endings .
At times, counselling may feel difficult and you might not be ready to do the work.
You might choose to end because of changes in life circumstances.
Under these situations I would ask you come and talk to me about these issues rather than abruptly end the sessions. Whatever your reason, I will respect your decision. So that we can resolve any important issue around the work we have done, and to process the ending of a powerful and unique relationship.
While therapeutic relationship is a deeply genuine relationship, it is also one that exists within the prescribed boundaries—within the appointment times. Feelings of loss, and anxiety about ending the therapeutic relationship often come up, and termination is designed to address these feelings. This can be a difficult process, but working through it can be useful in helping you continue to develop and implement the kind of relational skills that enable you to have more meaningful, and authentic relationships.
I will not without warning terminate our contract, except in exceptional circumstances.
Reasons for Termination
1. I will not be able to work with a client under the influence of drugs or mind altering substances.
2. The client is not able to engage in psychotherapy that I offer.
3. A client and psychologist after the initial sessions for any reason feel they might not be able to work with each other.
4. The client and the psychologist are not able to resolve certain issues that have come up in the therapeutic relationship.
5. The psychologist or client or both after therapy sessions feel the client is not benefitting from therapy.
6. The issues the client has is outside the frame of the psychologists speciality.
7. If the psychologist has felt clients behaviour has been inappropriate in therapy.
Payments are subjected to change every year and clients will be informed well in advance. Payments for psychotherapy sessions have to be made on the day of the session via google pay or PayPal.
I reserve the right to change these contract terms in which case I will give you good notice period and time for discussion.